Good Design makes you happy
By Rachel Won / 10 December 2018 / Tags: Entrepreneur Journey
Good Design means to me, gives convenience, saves time, creates happiness. What about you?
Don Norman, cognitive scientist and design critic, studies how real people interact with design, exploring the gulf between what a designer intends and what a regular person actually wants. His work has resulted in some classic books, including “The Design of Everyday Things.”
Don Norman’s TED presentation from 2003. As an authority on design, function, and aesthetics, Don Norman excellently sums up how emotion is conveyed through design, how a positive reaction is triggered in the users and audience, and what is important to consider when designing for such a reaction.
According to Don, design can be perceived in 3 ways:
– Visceral experience; is about the appearance, touch and feel of a product
– Behavioural level; is about the interaction between a user and the product (function, performance, usability), feeling you are in control
– Reflective experience; is about the meaning of a product/services, the message the product/services send out to others
If your design succeeds well on these three levels of experiences, then your design will make people happy, right?
““I really have the feeling that pleasant things work better.” – Don Norman
#DesignAndEmotions #GoodDesign
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