Monetary Vs Non-Monetary for UX Research
By Rachel Won / 23 Dec 2019 / Tags: Design Insights

Before conduct UX Research
• Select your target users
• Figure out an appropriate incentive
Monetary Incentives: Cash, Cheques, Gift Cards
Should offer incentives as it is good to pay for the interviews’ time. If your interview is conducted during Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm, participants have to take time off their work to take part in your research. Compensate them accordingly.
However, don’t emphasis on the incentives as that might motivate people to exaggerate their answers during the interviews.
4 things to consider for monetary incentives
1) Job Category: Consider the target group of users. Students will be compensated less than a group of lawyers as lawyers are professionals.
2) Study Location: Consider the location of interview. Pay higher incentives in Singapore Vs Indonesia as different standard of living.
3) Session Length: Consider 20mins Vs 2 hours. Session length and incentive shouldn’t be linearly proportional, task complexity plays a role as well.
4) Task Complexity: Testing complex healthcare systems vs signing up newsletter should compensate differently as Internal staff can be compensate non-monetary gifts.

Non-Monetary Incentives: Premium corporate merchandise, ticket to movies, games, free meals or drinks. Non-Monetary incentives can be imaginative!
E.g. Research on an e-Commerce site, one of the tasks could be participant is allowed to order something they want from the site.
Unfamiliar target users: School children, check out from the teachers what are the appropriate incentives might look like.
2 important things to note:
1) Be as generous as your budget allows.
The better the incentives, the easier to get users to participant.
No shows are very expensive.
This mistake can be costly.
2) Always remember to thank them
People like to hear they are appreciated.
They deserve verbal recognition for their time.
Remember, to thoughtfully determine participant incentives to ensure the best user research study.
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#UXResearch #UserInterviews #Incentives
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